Auto Insurance Claims: premiums, premiums

I have a car financed and registered in my name.  My credit is poor.  Is there a legal way to insure it through my wifes credit score and I still be a driver and have the rate based off her credit?  My driving record is clean.

Hello James,

Well, this is an "impossible" question to answer. Each insurance company has its own way to charge for their rates. There is really no regulation that I am aware of that makes them charge or even look at credit scores. I know some carriers do not look at your credit score at all, and some others look at it but don't give it much weight.

What they are looking for is to see if you are a "good driver" and your "risk" factor. Credit may or may not be important for different companies.

Some insurance companies will get both of your scores (yours and your wife) and average it. Some will use the better score.

However, you really should consider getting different quotes. Use a broker to get the best rate. Try this:

I hope this helps
Good Luck