Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance company still being sued, insurance, law suit

Hi, I was in an accident about two years ago. A woman was stopped at a red light in front of me, then started to go, then stopped again and I barely tapped her bumper. No visible damage was done to either car and at the time she said there were no injuries, but only days later my insurance company told me she was suing for physical injuries suffered in the accident. I received a letter from them stating that the case is still unresolved and I'm concerned about what will happen if they can't get it resolved, or how long it will continue...Would she be able to get my car taken away from me or have access to my paychecks? Do you know what will most likely happen or could happen in this situation? Thanks

CJ, it would be helpful to know what State this is happening in.  First of all, if you have not personally received notice of a lawsuit, then you are in no danger.  Additionally, most states have a statute of limitations that around two years for property damages and personal injury, so it may be too late for the individual to sue you.

It seems like the other party is simply trying to play the squeaky wheel trick and just keep on bothering your insurance company in hopes that they will give them more than what their claim is worth just to get them to go away.  

I think you might be one of few that would benefit from simply calling our office and discussing your claim.  If you have insurance, there is nothing that the other party can do to you.  Your insurance will certainly defend you if you are sued, otherwise, just let them handle it.  It is common to get letters from your insurance company that make it seems like something big is going on, when in reality, it is just a form letter that is sent out due to insurance code regulation.  Don't worry unless you get served with suit papers, and then, just call your insurance company and notify them, they will assign an attorney to defend you.  You have nothing to worry about.