Auto Insurance Claims: accident, legal expertise, courtesy car

few days ago i was in an accident. a car came out of the side road and carshed into thepasseger side where my baby was sitting. there was no one in the came the car belonged to a driving school. the third party is now not admitting liability as i won't go through his insurers and they won't give me a courtesy car. i have a daughter who is three who has sickle cell anaemia and can only walk short distances. i have a 6mth baby who was bruised in the acccident and so was i. my back is hurting and i can't take time off work but find it hard to get on the bus. shouldn't i be entitled to a courtesy regarding even though my car was a write off?

Your question involves some legal expertise, for which I am unqualified to answer. Understanding that, you would be entitled to a rental car until such time as your claim for the car you were driving is settled. The liability carrier of the at-fault party has no legal duty to you. Their insured, however, does, provided you have police reports, witnesses or other facts to back up your claim. You should contact an attorney for more information.