Auto Insurance Claims: car wreck neck injury, car wreck neck injury

hello, on January 18th 2010 i got into an auto accident, I'm 19 years old and lost my first car in my first accident, i was T-boned by an elderly gentleman doing about 55 mph that blew a red light.

since then and up until the last week or so I've had horrible headaches and neck pain, and the E.R. said i had "severe whiplash"

i have gone to both a medical doctor and a chiropractor, i only have 2 more treatments left with him. one in 2 weeks, and another a month after.

i was curious how much would be offered normally, or how much i should try to pursue the insurance company for, for pain and suffering.

i dont really understand the process's that well but so far i think i've done well with everything.

I'm trying to do this without a lawyer and my mother doesnt want me to get one either. im not sure if thats a bad idea or not as well.

Hello Jeff,

As you know, a lawyer can better represent you and help you get the max for your injuries.

The process is a little more complicated and without seeing your medical bills is very hard to give you an estimate or a remotely accurate amount of damages.

Consider all your injuries, how they have affected your life, and if you are going to recover. After all of that you can estimate an amount you believe it would compensate you for your injuries.

For more information about the process, please see:

I hope this helps,
Good Luck