Auto Insurance Claims: license suspension and release form, installment agreement, sr 22

I was involve in an accident last year. It resulted to damage to 2 cars amounting to $6000 for one car and $1000 for the second car. Although the my car had insurance, I wasnt included in the policy yet because my parents were planning to include me the in the next month. Now, DMV Florida suspended my license because O dont have insurance and is asking me to get a SR-22 and a release form from the other parties.
My question is what if one of the driver refuses to sign the release form, what should I do??
P.S. The driver of the other car with $6000 also didnt have insurance. Only the one with $1000 damages had insurance. And I am positive that she is the one pursuing this case.
Im getting confuse in what to do. Please help

It is likely the insurance company that has requested suspension of your license.  There is nothing you can do if the other party refuses to sign a release.  If I were you, I would try and get an installment agreement.  The State of Florida will accepted an installment agreement in lieu of a full and final release.  You would simply have to negotiate with the other party and have them agree to put you on a payment plan.  If you want detailed help, you should check out our website and contact us directly.  We can point you in the right direction and help you to get your license back for free.