Auto Insurance Claims: Car Accident Settlement Question, post concussion syndrome, constant headaches

My husband myself and my 2 children were involed in a car accident which we were not at fault. We did not have PIP so our insurance is paying everything (our medical insurance). The insurance adjuster has settle with our children since they were not badly injured. Although my car was totaled, this has become a stressful ordeal. My airbags did deploy we all had on seatbelts, but my husband and I have suffered injuries. I've had terrible headaches which the doctor states its post concussion syndrome at this point. We could not get cat scan right away b/c the emergency room nor did the urgent care center do them on the day of the accident. The insurance is aggreeing to pay lost wages and medical bills, but we are truly suffering since we are in the middle of purchasing a home. We only have one car right now and can NOT get any new debt, until the house is closed on. My doctor has also put me on a anxiety/depression medication along with a migraine med, due to the fact that I'm stressing and feeling like I am having a nervouse break down dealing with all of this. When  the mother runs the household when she is down everyone is down. My husband has aslo suffered from terrible headaches and back pain, and his job is a mailman and he's having to take it really light at work, because he's the bread winner and we can not afford for him not to work. My vision has also changed and since I wear glasses my eye doctor has now put me on contacts. My family doctor told me constant headaches can take part of your vision changing and in two weeks if my headaches have not changed she is referring me to a neurologist. I'm usually a very happy healthy person and the pain I've endured is awful. My adjuster offered me a settlement of 1,500 and I don't think that is enough to cover all that my family has been through, not too mention now I have to may see a neuroloist. This settlement she offered was before we found this out, but I would like to know what is a fair amount to demand, since my new car was total, my kids were in the car and my husband was the driver we were at a complete stop when a kid slammed into the back of us going about 45-50mph and then we went into the car infront of us. The officer made the teenager who is us at fualt for the entire accident. Thank you for your time.


    Injury claims can become very complicated.  When reviewing any injury claim, actual medical bills "hard medicals" are what make for the base value of an injury claim.  Additionally, where teh accident occurred can have a dramatic impact on how much money one would likely get at a jury trial.  My gut feeling is that you need an attorney.  I surely would review your medical documentation and do a "mock adjustment" for you, but it would essentially mean you have to handle your claim two times, once with me and once with your real adjuster.  

    Based on your description of the accident and your injuries, I would think your non-economic damages should be more than $1500.00, but I would have to have a lot more information to make a better and more credible opinion.

    I'm sorry I cannot offer a more concrete answer for you at this time.  Information is always free at Petty Details, LLC.  Visit our website and call or e-mail me directly and I will do my best to provide you with valid information as it regards to your claim.