Auto Insurance Claims: vehicle fire, vehicle fire

about a month ago i was at work and our van started on fire and burnt to the ground.  I had personal items including gps, tools, car charger for phone, cloths, shoes and a watch. now my work is saying that the insurance company wants the original receipts for it all along with me signing an affidavit. dose that sound rite to you? personally i know that they all ready got payed for the van and it sounds fishy to me. how will i get receipts for stuff that i have enquired my whole life.  

Hello Eric,

Usually, insurance companies want evidence that the personal property was there. Sometimes it might be a receipt, but it could be photo, an affidavit, or something more than your word.

It works that way.

If you think you are being frame, please contact an attorney.

For more about fire claims, please see: