Auto Insurance Claims: loss wages compensation, anti inflammatory medication, o hare airport

I was involved in an shuttle bus accident at the O'Hare Airport in Chicago, IL.  The driver of the bus rear-ended a female driver and I was thrown to the front of the bus.  I jammed my head against another passenger's leg and sprained my ankle.  I refused the ambulance but provided all my information to the Terminal Manager; Name, phone, address.  He jotted down my information and I insisted on leaving Chicago.   During the two hour flight home, my ankle became really stiff and my head was pounded.  I took some over the counter medicine for the pain.  During the night I woke up felling really terrible so I went to the emergency room for evaluation.  The staff admitted me, ran a catscan, x-rayed my ankle and gave me some anti-inflammatory medication.  I didn't go to work the next three(3) consecutive days however I took phone calls and used my laptop from home the next few days.  I contacted a chiropractor and began seeing him.  He x-rayed my back and started issue me treatment.  The insurance company sent me an offer letter for 2500.00 for pain and suffering but I refused the offer.  I asked for larger amount to include loss wages.  Now question, although I wasn't in the office I had to burn vacation and few sick days in my absent.  I want my time off to be compensated since I was forced to use personal time to address my injuries.  They want a loss wage summary but I can not provide one due to the fact my company paid me for my time off...  I am a salaried employee. How can I force them to compensate me for this personal time off?

Hi Troy,

You will need to get a statement from your employer indicating that you used vacation/sick days showing the dates that they were used. Then you can request reimbursement for the use of your person time.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh