Auto Insurance Claims: Hit by car/ PIP, health insurance company, underinsured motorist


I was hit in Chicago, IL by a drunk driver while crossing the street and it was a hit and run.  I was left with a scar on my right side of my forehead and was in the hospital for 2 days and missed work and school for a couple of days.  My father's health insurance covered 80% of the medical bills.  The cops were able to find the driver and I was able to get a settlement out of his insurance.
Now my father's health insurance is trying to sue me because they want 70% of my settlement.  My lawyer gave me these three options but I am unsure with what to do.

1.  Make a claim against my father's car insurance underinsured car insurance.  Make claim for all plastic surgery and future medical needs - No health insurance company that you may have in the future in the United States will  cover any of the balance of your medical bills or cover any future medical needs including plastic surgery regarding anything that has to do with the accident unless you make an underinsured motorist claim agqainst your father's insurance.(but I am insured under my father's car insurance, I am worried if I take this option if it will affect my father's monthly rates)

2.  Make a claim on my father's car insurance med pay car insurance -- will pay current medical bills but nothing else.

3.  Pay out of your share of the serttlement on 70% of the amount paid by your father's health insurance company.

My attorney told me that If you do nothing, they will sue me and probably not provide health coverage for anyone under your father's health insurance.

Please give me your advice, I am worried...  

You should definitely use both the Underinsured and Med Pay coverages.  Your father pays a premium for those coverages and it would be crazy not to use them when you need them.  Especially in a case like this where a lot of money is at stake.  Since you were not negligent, any impact on his rates should be minimal.  If by chance it does cause his rates to increase, just pay him the difference out of what you receive, which will be WAY more.