Auto Insurance Claims: re-opening auto claim, auto claim, diminished value

QUESTION: #1 - July 2009 husband's 04 ML350 M.B. had $12K damage-other driver's fault(AIG 21st Century paid claim to their "approved" body shop - 1 month w/o car). No loss of use claim as we had 3rd vehicle. Adjuster came out 3x for supplemental damage.  We thought "total loss" but they said no - loss% wasn't high enf. Car was in exc. cond. in & out w/80K miles on it prior to acc. 3 wks. ago car stalled on hwy with big klunk noise and was towed to M.B. in Freehold, NJ where it was purchased.  84K miles on it now and they found a severely cracked housing on differential and had to replace it.  Their 1st question to us was "has this car been in a recent front-end accident", bec. this kind of housing damage and leak happens when there is a major collision.  They suggested that we re-open claim as this housing damage was as a result of original accident.  I have pd. bill for Nov.1 $4K. which states their "cracked housing" finding.  Is there a chance that I would be able to collect and if so how to proceed. AND #2:
I paid $69.99 for a "diminished value" report which state $5,500 d.m. for my vehicle and would like to proceed with this additional claim also.  Please advise.  Thank you.

ANSWER: Contact the claims adjuster listed on the AIG estimate and request a supplement. Tell them to go to the dealer in Freehold to secure an agreement for the repair costs, or simply direct the MB dealer to do the same. There should not be a problem in reopening the claim, especially since the damage was documented on Nov. 1.

As for your DV claim, the provider of the DV estimate you have should give you instructions as to how to file the claim, etc. I also do these claims, but always perform a physical inspection, take photos, measurements and prepare a narrative report. I provide my customers with step-by-step instructions on how to file the claim, which may not be included with the DV analysis you bought. You can visit my site for more information

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Don't you believe that the claims adjuster is going to say that the damaged differential is unrelated to the accident since it was not flagged for damage/repair from the original body shop?  What ammunition should I have when my written request for the differential reimbursement is requested?

Thank you.

You'll have the dealer's analysis of the damage and the cause of the crack. As long as you never had an accident prior to this one, it is logical to assume the damage was the result of this collision. As I said earlier, you may have an easier time with your own insurer, as the third party carrier is adverse to your interests and will take the cheapest way out in any situation.

Simply state to the insurance company that prior to this accident there was no damage to the differential and that it was caused by their insured.