Auto Insurance Claims: CA Parking Lot, police report, grocery store

While parking at a grocery store I accidently bumped another car. I did not see any damages to my car or the other therefore I proceeded parking in my space and went into the grocery store and made my purchased. Like a normal person, got in my car and left. A few weeks later I received a phone call about a hit and run involving my car. Like stated earlier, I do not have any damages and I can assume maybe there was a small damage that when I looked I did not see because of maybe the lighting. What should I do? I don't want to be charged with a hit and run as well as pay this huge amount like as if it was a huge accident because it was in a parking lot. I of course know I should be responsible for it all, but I honestly did not see any damage which is why I didn't act on it. I am in the process of getting a copy of the police report to make sure this is legit because it can be a parking lot scam.

Hello Mayra,

You received a phone call?  Obviously someone saw the entire event and they have been able to trace you. If you struck another vehicle and caused damage, yes you are responsible.  And even damages that "cannot be seen" can be expensive to fix.  If the other person is coming after you for damages, you will either have to pay for the damages yourself, or you will need to report it to your insurance company.  Chances are, it will be the latter.  You will be responsible for damages, and possibly a rental car while the damaged vehicle is in the shop.  Clearly you are not going to be able to ignore it.
