Auto Insurance Claims: Personal Injury Settlement Question, Personal Injury Settlement Question

Hi Anne,
 I was in a car accident where I was hit by a truck that hydroplaned. The other driver received the ticket. It injured my right foot, a Lisfranc Fracture. I dislocated the midfoot and fractured two toes. I had surgery the next day and have to stay off my foot for 12 weeks. I have two screws and three pins in my foot currently. I have to have physical therapy after that, and the doctor said that later on I might have to have the screws removed if they start causing me pain. I will have arthritic pain for the rest of my life. I was just wondering how to figure out how much pain and suffering to demand from the Insurance company. I've never been in a wreck and never had to deal with insurance companies before so I'm kind of worried I won't know what to ask for.

Hello Sarah,

I am very sorry to hear about your accident and you foot. Well, you have a higher amount claim. Anything that can hurt you for life (i.e. cannot walk) will be consider as a severe injury. You are entitled to several amount of damages, please see:

In reality, there are too many variables to give you a straight answer as to how much for a personal injury settlement, but in your case, talking to an attorney is very necessary. A local attorney can help you determine the best way to recover for all your damages. Consult with your friends about getting a lawyer.

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