Auto Insurance Claims: Being sued, getting sued

Jan 19 th, 2011 I reared ended a lady that had stopped suddenly for a herd of deer. We exchanged info after determining that there was no damage. Today I  was served papers that she is suing me  claiming back and neck injury. I know this is a scam but my question is. "Why is my insurance not handling this? Do I need attorney or just notify State Farm. I only have 30 days to respond to summons. Can she sue after all this time?

Sorry for the delay!  

Simply notify State Farm.  State Farm is required to defend you if you are allegedly at fault for damages.  If you fail to notify State Farm in a timely manner, they could void your coverage, so time if of the essence.  Get the suit paperwork in front of State Farm without delay.

It is questionable as to whether you are even liable in a case like this, and that is probably what is going on.  State Farm probably does not believe you were at fault and is refusing to pay for damages.  Just get your insurance on notice and look me up if you get lost!

I hope this helps!  Information is always free at Petty Details, LLC!

Justin Petty