Auto Insurance Claims: 4 car domino rear end - initiator sped off, 4 car domino rear end - initiator sped off, damages


I was approaching a traffic signal when a car rear ended me from behind, i went on to hit a car in front which went on to hit a car before that. The guy who hit me shifted lanes and sped off. I didnt manage to get his license plate number. I read that by law the initiator is liable to damages, but since he's absent does that transfer to me? Also, the three of us exchanged information, other than the guy in the front no one had any damage on their cars. He even called a cop who wasnt interested in taking this up coz there was no major damage. He would take it up with his insurance probably, do i have to call my insurance provider and state my situation? Will the liability be on me?

Hello Nick

I am sorry to learn about your accident. If you were stopped and the only reason why you hit the vehicle in front of you is because you were pushed into them, then you are not liable (even if the vehicle that caused the accident is absent).

You should really consider taking to your insurance company because if you do not, your insurance company can deny your claim to pay for your damages (if you have collision and/or uninsured property damage. Remember that you have a duty to report all losses or you can lose your rights, please see:

For more information about fault, please see:

Good Luck,