Auto Insurance Claims: donot want to admit to what I have not done, small claims court, visual aids

I had met with an accident on march 14th. I had a green and I was going straight. The other person was making a right into the left most lane, where I was going. He hit a part of my front door and a major portion of my back door on the right handside. His cars left front headlight got damaged. The other person has given a statement both to the police and his insurance that, I was trying to change lanes and then I hit  him. It was clearly his mistake. I filed a claim with the other party's insurance and after 2 weeks. They comeback and tell that I have to bear my expenses. I donot want to admit to what I have not done...

I'm afraid that assigning fault in a situation like this is out of my expertise, particularly without more information. For example, a diagram showing the relationship between the cars, direction they were going, etc. would be helpful. Still, I'm not certain that anything I could tell you here would be of help. Your best bet is to take this matter to small claims court and see what the judge says.

Witnesses that will support your version of the events is most helpful when in court, as are visual aids such as the diagram I mentioned.