Auto Insurance Claims: amended report, striking car, side doors

Auto Insurance Claims: amended report, striking car, side doors
A drunk driver hit 6 parked cars and was arrested for DWI.  My car was not reported on the original report.  I was not present at the time of the accident and only noticed it 2 days later when I went to use my car and discovered that I had been sideswiped and had 2 flat tires and damaged to my bumpers and side doors.  I called the police and they made me an amended report.  Now I'm in contact with the other guys insurance agency.  Does this ammended report have any validity and will his insurance company pay for my damages?

Thank you,

Michael Storfer

Good question...

Depends on who the carrier is and what type of mood they are in.

Recognize that you have an issue with your claim in that your car did not appear on the inital police report.  Is there a simple/reasonable explanation for that omission?

Can you establish that you car was in fact parked where it would have been struck?

Was there any paint transfer from the striking car that you can point to?  

You will more than likely have an uphill battle..

Do you have your own collision coverage with your own carrier?

If so that may give you can option for needed repairs (subject to your deductible) if the carrier turns you down.

Hope and trust that the above helps...

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