Auto Insurance Claims: The insurance paid me a lower estimate, collision repair estimates, worse case scenario

My insurance estimate is lower than any repair store’s estimate. The insurance sent me the check one year ago. I have not had my car repaired yet. When I requested my insurance send the check based on the repair store’s estimate, they told me to give the repair store my car for repair. Then they will send the difference to the store directly. I do not agree with my insurer because I am not obligated to have the car repaired but the insurer should pay the accurate estimate, right? Since the insurer cannot find a store to accept their lower estimate, how shall I enforce my insurance to pay me the check based on the repair store's estimate?  

Collision repair estimates are generally subjective.  Insurance companies write the best case scenario for the damage that can be scene.  Body shops generally write the worse case scenario for what they assume is damaged whether they can see it or not.  

If the shop is wanting more than the insurance adjuster has written, then it is the shop's responsibility to meet with the adjuster and justify why it will cost more.  This is called a supplement.