Auto Insurance Claims: No resolve with MY auto insurance, followup question, insurance department

My car was hit in a mall parking lot while it was parked and I was in the mall and MY insurance, which is from a major ins co and which I have almost never used but have paid faithfully for years and have an excellent driver rating with, is giving one reason after the other why all the damage is not covered.  Is there a governing agency or board that oversees these kind of situations with auto insurances?  Do I need to hire a lawyer and be out more money?  Even my Agent does not agree with the insurance's decisions and states he doesn't understand why there adamant about not covering the damages.  What can I do?

Every state has an insurance department that regulates insurers.  Do a web search for the department in your state.  You can file a complaint with them, and they will investigate to see if the insurer followed the law.

However, without knowing the details, I cannot say whether they had a basis for their decision.  If you would like to provide specifics in a followup question, I can give an opinion.