Auto Insurance Claims: 6 Vehicle 7 Deisel truck Pile-up, big rig truck, motorcycle policy

Auto Insurance Claims: 6 Vehicle 7 Deisel truck Pile-up, big rig truck, motorcycle policy
Motorcycle in Tow
Our vehicle was rear-ended by another vehicle, after they were rear-ended by a big-rig truck.  Our vehicle was pulling a trailer with our new motorcyle in it (just purchased the day before - towing home to NM from CA).  Our auto insurance covered our truck damage.  Our homeowner's covered the trailer loss... but neither will cover the motorcycle and we had not yet purchased a 'motorcycle' policy.
Where or how can we file a claim for our loss?  Motorcycle repairs are valued just under the price we paid - 'totaled'.


Look again at the homeowners policy and automobile policy just to be sure. The vehicle was in tow and not being operated and therefore, may be covered. Ask your insurance companies to provide you, in writing, the language of the policy they are using to deny the claim. if the trailer is covered why wouldn't the contents of the trailer be covered.

Otherwise, you need to sue the driver and owner of the truck that caused the accident. You will probably need an attorney for this as the value of the new motorcycle is likely higher then the small claims jurisdiction. Going it alone will be tough.

Best of Luck.

Marc B. Nussbaum, Esquire