Auto Insurance Claims: Help! What to do?, acura integra, full insurance

I was involved in an accident exactly 1 week ago where this
guy ran through a STOP sign and collided with the driver
side door, spinning me around 180 degrees, but no one was
injured. So i called my insurance and then his, and his
insurance said that they will send someone to look at my
car which is currently parked at my residence. A week has
passed and got no call from any claims adjuster so far. I
called his insurance back today and no answer. I called my
insurance today and quickly got an appointment setup for my
Insurance adjuster to see the car in about 5 days. I was so
upset that i didn't just let my own insurance handle all
this, since i have full insurance anyway, and let them deal
with his insurance (Nationwide).
So anyway, should i let them come see the car at my house
or should i take it to a local collision center and let the
adjuster get an estimate from them? I don't want to waste
any more time than i already have to settle this matter. I
am hoping that the car is totaled so i can get some other
car. It is a 1999 Acura Integra with 113k miles on it


Normally I would say to bring it to a shop, because the adjuster can write a more complete estimate there by inspecting the vehicle with the shop to make sure they don't miss anything.  But since you think it is a total, that might just delay the process and add the cost of an unnecessary tow.

Nationwide should have inspected the car by now; this is not acceptable.  It could be they are behind in their workload, or maybe someone made a mistake.  You should call back and demand to speak to a supervisor immediately to complain.  Do not take no for an answer.