Auto Insurance Claims: Can I be sued?, blind spot, red light

Today, I was almost in an accident.  I was driving on a pretty busy road and was about to change lanes.  I didn't see this lady coming (she was in my blind spot) but she swerved out of the way in time.  As I continued driving, she sped up to catch up with me and then when I changed my speed she slowed down as if she was trying to stick with me.  She then cut me off and sped ahead and pulled over on the side of the road while I was stuck at a red light.  When I started moving again she raced ahead of me and then pulled over on the side of the road further up.  I pulled up in front of her and when instead of getting out of the car, she went ahead of me and raced off.  She didn't give me any indication that she wanted me to follow her.  I inspected my car after I reached my destination and didn't see any damage.  Is there any way that I can be held legally responsible or is there a way that she can take me to court?  Thank you very much.

Hi Cory,

You can only be held legally responsible if there was damage to the car that they can prove you caused. You should take several digital pictures of every area on your vehicle as proof there is no damage. Then if the other person tries to make a claim against you you can prove there is no damage to your car.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh