Auto Insurance Claims: Minor Hit & Run in a Private Property (CA), rear fender, occasional driver


A few days ago, my car was hit in its rear left corner while I was at work. There was no note, nor any evidence of a suspect. From the looks of the impact, it hit me at a perpendicular angle. Anyone who sees the impact will know I couldn't have caused the damage since its at an angle that is virtually impossible to hit from driving.

I spoke to a police officer, and he stated there was no need for a police report since it was on private property and I had no suspect.

Though the damage isn't severe, it damaged my rear bumper & rear fender. Which I expect will cost anywhere from $1500 to $3000 to repair.

Now, my question is, will I be considered at fault for this? I wasn't even in the car, nor did I witness it. I'm a little worried that if I make the call to my insurance agency (state farm), my premiums will go up.

I already know I will have to shell out the $500 deductible. But that's not what im worried about.

I have full coverage and live in California. Just the thought of being considered at fault for something I had nothing to do with is making me hesitant at calling my insurance company. Though, there's no way I can pay for the repairs.

What advice can you give me? I am considered the "Occasional Driver" of the vehicle and im fully insured in that vehicle.

Hi Henry,

If you have uninsured motorist properety damage coverage on your policy you can file this as an uninsured motorist claim. You can check with your agent to be sure. If you do not have this coverage then it will be paid under the collision coverage on your policy. If that is the case then any claims on your collision coverage, while not at fault, are generally considered "chargable events" that could effect your premium. You should also ask you agent about this. You can pose it as a hypothetical question so as not to start an actual claim process until you are ready to do so.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh