Auto Insurance Claims: Vehicle damage, suburban center, work security

I was parked at work in the employee parking area. I was notified by security department my vehicle was hit by valet that works were I work. Security took pictures and made a report. I was contacted by the valet manager he apologized for the accident. The accident- one of the valet drivers a new employee entered with out knowing there would not be any available parking due to it being an employee area. He realized nothing available attempted to make a three point turn the first point in front of my car instead of hitting the brakes he hit the gas hit my 2001 suburban center bumper causing large dent and causing car to jump out of park rolled back ten feet and stop by hitting block wall. I was told by manager to get an estimate dealers if I wanted to. I did that it came back six thousand dollars. The valet insurance company contacted me and wanted their adjuster to look at the damage shortly after there inspection they sent me a check of fifteen hundred. I took the car to a few other places just to get an idea the lowest was twenty six hundred the other was three thousand. Do I have any options?

Hi Antonio,

You need to have the insurance company provide you with a copy of their estimate. Then take your car and the estimate to the body shop of your choice. Give the estimate to the body shop. They should then contact the insurance company who will send their appraiser to the body shop to re-inspect and write a supplement for any additional money needed to repair your vehicle. Do not cash the check from the insurance company until they have approved the suppelemental estimate.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh