Auto Insurance Claims: uninsured/vandalism theft, stereo components, casualty loss

i had a car that i recently put up for sale, i had a guy that was going to buy it, i removed the insurance from the car and it was sitting in my driveway, the car was broken into, and there was about 1000 bucks worth or stereo components stolen, and they messed up the trunk pretty bad *pried it open* is there anything i can do????

Hi Daniel,
I'm sorry to learn of your misfortune.  Since you had removed the insurance from the car, there is no one left to turn to for help.
Your home policy would never apply for damage to your car.
Keep a copy of the police report and an estimate of the repairs and you can probably use it on your tax returns next year as a 'casualty loss'.
I hope this information is helpful.
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San Francisco Bay Area