Auto Insurance Claims: Minor accident with motorcycles, minor accident, blind spot

I was driving a minivan pulling a small trailer.

I was stopped at a stop sign and unknown to me a motorcycles stopped within 2 feet from the back of the trailer (in my blind spot).  

The stop was at the end on my road and I could only go right or left.

The other road did not have to stop.  

A large truck with a long trailer needed to turn on to my road and he could not without me backing up.  

I looked before I started to back up and did not see any vehicles behind me.

I started backing up and hit the motorcycles causing only minor damage to the paint.

Should I pay for the repair of his motorcycles?
He was park to close and was in my blind spot.  

Hi Charles-

This sounds like something that you would be responsible for.  I have seen times where people were parked illegally ie. partially blocking someones driveway and the driver backed out of their driveway and hit the parked car and was found at fault.  

It won't hurt to try to fight it or negotiate it.  If you want to avoid turning it in see if the drivers will negotiate some sort of split on the cost.  

Sheldon Maughan
Sacramento, Ca