Auto Insurance Claims: Granddaughters (adopted daughter) auto accident, economic losses, pain and suffering

I am handling my granddaughter's settlement.  (She is 21 but unsophicated as to her best interests).  The responsible party's insurance has been extreemly reasonable, her vehicle has been repaired.  My question has to do with what is reasonable to settle over and above her medical expenses, for any inconvenience she endured.  She did not go to work for two days because of pain and discomfort, she had physical therapy for about a month.  She has been symptom free for abour six months.  I feel strongly that claims should be reasonable but at the same time, I do not want to deny her of her justifiable settlement.  Could you provide me with a guideline re the inconvience/"pain and suffering" amount that is reasonable.  Thank you so much

Hi Anne,
Generally speaking, a fair settlement for pain & suffering is a factor times your grandaughter's total economic losses.
That woud be the total of medical bills, physical therapy, prescription drugs, documunted wage losses and trips for treatment @ $0.43 per mile.
Total all the economic losses and make a demand for 3.2 times those losses.  You should be able to reach a compromise of between 2.5 - 2.75 times those losses as a settlement.