Auto Insurance Claims: claim with no report..., half dollars, person sign


recently i was involved in an accident where i was pulling up to a right turn to merge onto a major road; the car infront of me actioned as if to go, accelerated, and stopped suddenly without a result the party got out there car an accused me of hitting them. i honestly cant say if i didn't or didn't. there is no damage to my car, and if i did hit them, there two dents were the size of half dollars. (which for all i know could have been there before) there were no cars in either direction to cause such a sudden stop. we exchanged info, but no police report was filed.

i am 16, i feel that no matter what this would end up being my fault. i don't want this to blow up, i already have one accident on record.

so can they file a claim against me with no police report or witness/ hard evidence the event ever happened?

Hi Matt,

Yes, they can make a claim. Your insurance company will take a statement from each of you and make a determination of who is at fault. You may want to call the person and ask if he has yet made a claim and if not you may offer to pay for the damage out of your pocket. From the sound of it the cost will likely be less than $500.00. Your premium increase will likely be more than that. Ask the person to get a couple of estimates to see if it is something you can handle. If so just pay it but have the other person sign a release form before giving any money so that they can't later claim that you never paid him.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh