Auto Insurance Claims: insurance check, home loan lender, countrywide home loans

hi thank you for your time helping.  i had claim with home owner insurance  state farm i received a check under my name and countrywide home loans i cant cash the check  at bank they say i need to send to my home loan lender and they will give or sign new check? what is the procedure to this  will they keep the money until is fixed do you have any tips for how to make them just sign the check so i can receive money without them keeping any  

Hi Enes,

Insurance companies are required to protect the interests of the leinholder. You will need to call Countrywide and ask them what their procedure is for endorseing the check. They may want you to send the check to them so they can sign it and send it back to you. If this is the case, do not sign your name to the check until you get it back from them.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh