Auto Insurance Claims: liability, insurance comapny, collision insurance

I was recently involved in an accident where somebody tried to pass me in a no-pass zone and he hit me as i was turning in a driveway. He told his insurance a different story and now they claim he is not liable. My question is how do I get his insurance to pay for the damage to my truck.

Hi Karl,

Often insurance companies will take the side of their insured, After all they are the one paying their premiums.

You should make the claim to your insurance company. If after investigating the claim and taking statements from both drivers, your insurance comapny feels that you were not at fault, they will pursue reimbursement from the other insurance company.

If you do not have collision insurance, about the only thing you can do is to file a small claims law suit. If the judge believes your story more than the other driver and you win the case, the other insurance company will have to pay you.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh