Auto Insurance Claims: Parking lot fender bender, fender bender, claims adjuster

After getting a coffee at a tim hortons, in Calgary, I noticed a big dent in my car, rear passenger side. The gentleman parked to my right got out of his car to inform me he had back into me.(angled parking stalls). we exchanged info, but I did not get any numbers to witnesses. Since I only have liability coverage I had to call his insurance company myself to get a settlement.  Once I called, I found out he had changed his story and said we were both backing out at the same time. They will only settle 50/50. I went as far as to call the guy myself and talk to him, his story was that he didn't remember clearly and it was early in the morning etc. I called the claims adjuster back to inform her of this change in statement. She said she would have to hear it from him.  Now I get an e-mail saying she can't get a hold of him and if he does not contact her, she'll still only settle 50/50. How do I get the full 100% reimbursement I deserve?

Hi Joshua,

Whenever there is a conflict between two parties that can not be resolved through negotiation, you take them to court.  There is not much else you can do. The insurance company has no incentive to pay more unless they are directed to by a judge.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh