Auto Insurance Claims: hit and run, grasping at straws, parallel parking space

I was recently involved in a hit and run accident. I was pulling out of a parallel
parking space when an SUV fled down the street and ran into my car. The SUV
than continued on to hit two more cars parked across the street which
pushed into a third parked car. The drivers of the SUV left the scene of the
accident, abandoning the vehicle. Open liquor was found inside. I am now
being sued by the insurance company of one of the parked car owners.
Shouldn't they be going after the people who hit and run?

Hi Johann,

They are just grasping at straws. Since the at-fault person is not available to sue they are suing the only other person thay can. You should inform your insurance comapny of all of this immediately. They will provide you with a defence attorney. All should be ok once all of the fact come out.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh