Auto Insurance Claims: Auto insurance - misrepresented, lawyer referral service, gap insurance

I thought I had full coverage on a car that I have to make payments on.  On April 28, 2007, I was involved in a rollover crash and was injured.  I called United and they said all they gave me was PIP and Damage and that it was up to the lienholder to advise me if I had the incorrect insurance.  United did take photos of my auto when I purchased the policy and I said I had a lienholder.  I also have gap through the agency I purchased my auto from.  Please advise me what to do.

Hi Laura,

I am not sure that you are going to be left holding the bag here.  Check through with both the lienholder and the agency.  If you were sold gap insurance, there likely is in place an existing policy to cover the loss.  Thus, my hope is that you in fact will not have to pay a dime.

If, on the other hand I am wrong and there is no insurance, then this is a contract dispute because there is the real possibility that someone misled you to believe you had the necessary coverage.

If that is the case, get an attorney to advise you and to send a letter.  If you do not know an attorney, here is a good way to find one who will advise you for a reduced fee.

Go to your county or state bar association
and ask for their lawyer referral service.

The lawyer referral service is one wherein you can get one hour of service for a minimal fee of something like $35.

Do not become discouraged if you get a negative answer from the lienholder at first.  I think getting an attorney might be required to turn the trick.

Best wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)