Auto Insurance Claims: Hit & Run 2-party insurance payment, finance co, party insurance

My insurance co. sent payment for damage after a hit and run claim.  Since I am still making payments they sent me a 2 party check which required me to obtain a 2nd endorsement.  I could not afford to fix my car & send the claim info & receipts to the Finance co.  therefore I have not fixed my car.  The check indicates not valid after 90 days.  It has been 120 days.  Should I contact the insurance co. or the finance co.  Is the claim closed or can I ask for another check in my name only.  I only owe 7,000 more and find it odd that they even include the Finance Co., even though they hold they title.  Do I have the right to another check in my name only & either fix the dent or put that $$ towards the balance of the car.  Please advise my rights in this matter.

Hi Jeanine,

Many states require an insurance company to include the name of the finance company on the check to protect their interest in the vehicle.  The check you have may no longer be valid.  You should call the insurance company and request they issue a new check. The new check will have the finance companies name on it. If you do not intend to have the repairs done, you can simply sign the check and send it to the finance company along with insrtuctions that they are to apply the check to your loan balance.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh