Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Claim when already out of work, short term disability, auto claim

Hello,  I am currently on Short Term Disability through my employer(aniexty related)and was recently injured (nofault) in an auto accident..(hit and run). The auto claim is through my Uninsured Motorist. I was injured,(Ambulance to ER, mild neck pain, and some dental work).If I am receiving ST Disability..would I still be entitled to loss wages from this auto claim.  I only get 60% of my income from STD. Thanks for your expertise!

Hi Michele,

No. You would not be entitled to lost wages unless you can prove that you actually lost wages. In order to claim lost wages, you would need to provide a statement from an employer indicating the days of work and the exact amount of money you lost.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh