Auto Insurance Claims: Hit by a Shopping Cart, hi mary, small claims

A couple weeks ago I was driving down the highway in a storm when a shopping cart smashed into the side of my vehicle and took off my mirror.  I advised the store manager of the situation, and he said that they are not responsible for the carts, and that this "happens all the time".  As a matter of fact, upon leaving I noticed that there were two shopping carts in the highway.

To me, the big red flag was when the manager cavalierly stated, "it happens all the time".  To me that signals that there is a known problem which they are failing to adequately address, thus posing a hazard to the public.

What do you think my chances of recovering for my damages?

Hi Mary,

You are correct. They should be liable. Unfortunately, you may have to file a small claims law suit to get paid. Try calling the corporate office of the store. Before you call you should get an estimate of the repairs. The corporate office may be easier to deal with.

I hope this helps.
Richard Hixenbaugh