Auto Insurance Claims: Going out of town and liablity of other driver, insurance agent, 9 months

My father has an insured car.  However he is leaving the country for 9 months it will not be driven.  I have several questions regarding this situation.  1) Should he cancel his insurance and I place his car under my name or have no insurance on it since it will not be driven (kept in garage).  2)  If insured under my name, what occurs if my brother is in town and borrows the car and gets into an accident?  Who is liable for damages, my insurance or my brother's?

Hi Sam,

If the vehicle will absolutely not be driven then you should cancell the insurance. However you should contact your fathers insurance agent to see if they have a way to simply put the policy on hold. Some companys will allow this. If you put the car in your name and your brother, who does not live with you drives the car, it will be covered under your policy. Insurance generally follows the car not the driver.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh