Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Claim question (vandalism), collision repair facilities, auto claim


My explorer was keyed on the passenger side approx. 6 months ago.  I finally made a vandalism claim to repair the damages.  Prior to that, the driver side of my car had been keyed as well approx a year ago.  I made a claim soon after, but never had time to get it taken care of.  So now with both sides scratched up, I decided to get the repairs done.  My insurance company said that I "HAD" to go to one of their shops to get quotes/repairs done but I seem to remember somewhere that the choice of repair shops is totally mine.  Is this true?  Or because this is a vandalism claim and my insurance company is paying I'm totally at their mercy.  My second question is this (and I fear I already know the answer but I'll ask anyway) - my deductible is $500 dollars and my insurance claim says that I will have to pay $500 for each side because they are different claims even though the repairs are going to be conducted at the same this true or are they pulling a fast one on me.  

Thank you for your advice in advance,



Hi Pete,

Don't shoot the messenger, but I think that this is two claims.  What if you had two accidents, one to injure your passenger's side, and 4 months later, a hit on your driver's side?

I think you can see that this is two separate accidents.

As to the body shop, I think you are correct, unless of course the adjuster can point to a specific clause in your policy regarding comprehensive claims. Take it where you wish, but here is an idea for a compromise.

Make sure the adjsuter knows that you have the right to take your Explorer whereever you wish.  Then offer to take it to their shop on condition he charge you just one deductible.  

I have had success working arrangements like that before since there is a strong incentive for the insurance company to use certified collision repair facilities.  And in my experience, for something as minor as keying, these guys will do as good a job as anyone.  Thus, you have nothing to lose by suggesting this compromise, but everything to gain!


Dr. Settlement, J.D.