Auto Insurance Claims: Lost Scholarship, financial assistance office, liability insurance policy

I was recently in a car accident where the other person was found at fault. They had no insurance and I am now going through my own insurance company with a claim. I sustained injuries, and due to those injuries I was unable to play on my schools soccer team any longer. I there for lost my scholarship. Can I claim this loss? and if so how?

Dear Pablo,

Loss of employment advancement and loss of money due for work to be performed are payable and also in the same category is the loss of your scholarship funding.  Such a loss, if provable, is a forseeable and consequential damage element of negligent driving.  

Since your Uninsured Motorist (UIM) coverage stands in the stead of the uninsured tortfeasor, you may make a claim for loss of advancement or renumeration that would otherwise be due to you but for the injury you sustained.

Here is some free Legal Information on Liability Insurance Policy Limits Settlements

The issue is whether or not you can prove your loss.  That is simple, but not easy.  You need letters from your coach to the effect that you would have had a scholarship FOR THIS YEAR AND ANY OTHER YEARS OF YOUR ELIGIBLITY, including mention of whether or not you had one in the past year(s).  

Then you next need to get the value of the scholarship by having someone from the financial assistance office write a letter to tell how much money would have been available to you under the scholarship.  It also helps if you had one in the past so that they can get a historical picture of payments that were made.

Basically you are trying to pad the insurance adjuster's file so maybe when you submit these materials, you can let her know that you stand ready to submit any additional materials she might require.

I trust that this information has been helpful to you, and thus I respectfully request that you find the feedback form on this website and leave some feedback for me.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D.