Auto Insurance Claims: teenage driver, auto insurance policy, auto insurance companies

I live in Georgia.  Is it law that I add my 16 year old daughter to my auto insurance policy?  What are the consequences if I don't and she wrecks one of my vehicles?   thanks for your help!

Hi Windy,

Virtually all auto insurance companies require that everyone in the household be listed on the policy. If you have a teenager that gets a learners permit and then a license, they must be on the policy. If they are not on the policy and thay are involved in an accident then there is no insurance coverage for that accident either for your car or for the other vehicles, property or people in the other cars. This would mean that you would be sued for the damages that could be tens of thousands of dollars. In addition, if you have an accident that is uninsured you may lose your drivers license and be subject to other penalties.

It is definately better and cheaper to just put your teen on your policy.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh