Auto Insurance Claims: Need New Coverage

I am 60 years old, married and a homeowner for 29 years. Due to a rate increase after several years with State Farm I switched to Geico in December. I had an at fault accident in January which resulted in a 6k claim and a violation, and a stop sign violation in March. My 6 month policy and current monthly payment of $241 for our 3 cars is up for renewal, and the new monthly payment will be $622, a $381 increase! Needless to say I'm looking for a much lower rate with a new insurer.  
I am listed as the primary insured on my current policy. In your opinion, considering my recent driving history, would we get a better rate if my wife was the primary insured?

Hi Harold,

Each insurance company will have their own set of underwriting guidelines. In a lot of cases it is the insurance company that decides what driver is listed as the primary driver of which vehicle. Many will automatically assign the highest rated driver (you) on the highest rated vehicle. This allows them to set price according to what they perceive as the risk.

You will need to shop around and ask the agents you speak to how they set drivers on which vehicles. You should call at least 6 or more insurance companies. Rates can vary substantially from one company to the next. Shopping is the only way to find your best deal.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh