Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 98 Jeep Grand Cherokee Air Conditioner Leak, electronic leak detector, jeep grand cherokee

About a year ago my air conditioner on my Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited started losing its charge.  I would have to fill it up about every two months.  Finally at the end of the summer it would only hold the coolant for a day and then no more cold air.  I have run at least ten cans of stop leak through it since then, to no avail.  I took it to a mechanic and they replaced the rings.  He also told me the compressor was weak (something I had never heard of before).  It still will not hold charge.  I can fill it up and it will last all day but usually no longer.  Any suggestions?

Obviously you have a leak somewhere in the AC system You need to have an electronic leak detector put on the system with a can or 2 of freon in the system to see where the leak is.

I would probably guess and say your leak is at the bottom of the evaporator and can be found by putting the detector at the drain hose emerging from the firewall within the engine compartment.

All that stop leak has also gummed up most of the system and I would not be surprised if you compressor is weak from all that sealer run thru the system.