Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 1996 chevy tahoe ac wont get cold, chevy tahoe, condencer

hello i just brought a 1996 tahoe the ac didnt work so i took it to firestone in town they said the compressor was shot so we put a new one in not use new still not cold some times kinda cool then they said it was the drier/accum .then the orifice tube.then the a/c expansion tube.then the receiver drier and o rings  then the presure cycling switch .then the high preasure cut off switch still nothing they checked for leaks and nothing now the tell me to change the condencer what should i do and what is the temp that should come out of the vest thank you in advance for your help

FIRST thing for SURE is that they do NOT know what they are doing. The only thing they are doing RIGHT is getting your MONEY.

When you replace a compressor you MUST:

1. Remove the orfice tube and the accumulator and the compressor.

2. Flush out the entire A/C system

3. Install a new compressor, A new orfice tube and a new accumulator.

4. Evacuate the system using a vacuum pump.

5. Add the necessary amount of refrigerant oil to the system.

6. Check the system for lekas.

7. Add ONE can of freon and recheck the system for lekas.

8. If NO leaks found, recharge the system with the proper amount of freon.

You need to get that vehicle OUT of Firestone and into a reputabl;e A/C facility that knows what there doing.
