Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Air Conditioner, vacuum pump, orfice tube

However, I have already double checked the low pressure tube's pressure by my own AC gage. It is at normal range (45) and does not like to be leaking of freon because freon has be added two weeks ago. The mechanic said the problem could be complex. I don't believe him anymore as the first service had not done any good to me.
That is why I need your help. Do you have any idea in this case?

Followup To
Question -
The air from my Honda Accord 96 is not cool anymore. I have it repaired by adding 134a ($30) and service ($30)totally $60 two weeks ago. However, the air is still warm. I don't want to be extorted again.
Please give me some clue.
Answer -
If the A/C system was totally out of freon due to a leak, The leak MUST be fixed FIRST and then the system evacuated of atmospheric air and then recharged with freon.

If someone just installed freon and did not fix the leak, the freon has most likely leaked out again.

You need to have a professional facility perform a complete systems check on it or you will forever be adding freon.

You really need to have a set of A/C gages put on the system to see what pressures you have.

QUESTION: When they added freon did the system blow COLD AIR for sometime and then start getting warm again ?. If so, This would be caused by a LEAK in the A/C system


Your little gage is ONLY for checking the LOW side pressures. You need the SET of A/C gages so you can monitor BOTH the LOW and HIGH side presssures when the A/C compressor is engaged. It is possible that all you need is to have the system evacuated and recharged. BUT, You need a vacuum pump to evacuate all the air out once you remove all the freon BEFORE you recharge the system. You could possibly have a faulty orfice tube or expansion valve.

There is just no way to tell unlees you have BOTH gages and know EXACTLY how to perform the test pressure procedures.
