Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Recharging how to for Honda A/C, freon 134, accord station

I have a 1997 Honda Accord station wagon that has a slow leak of freon 134. I've recharged other refrig systems for my previous cars, but that was several years ago with old freon. I'm looking for directions on recharging this system periodically. I've seen kits for $25 (guages, etc.)but not sure I've been able to find the A/C addition point in my system nor do I know what pressures to use.

Direct help or directions to a web site with answers would be appreciated.

You can purchase the KIT which usually has a small gage and a special hose that will ONLY fit on the LOW side pressure fitting and the instructions of which tell you how to read the gage in order to determine how MUCH FREON to add to the system.
