Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 1996 S10 A/C, ring seals, vacuum pump

Is there a manual available for me to purchase that will guide me through the process?


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Question -
The A/C compressor has leaked out for the second time and I'm in need of a replacement. Chilton manual does not offer any help. Where can I find step by step procedures to remove and replace?
Answer -
The FIRST thing you need to do is throw that useless piece of miss-information generic confusing non-specific book called a CHILTON manual in the TRASH.

This generic information gets more people in more trouble than you can imagine.

What makes you believe the A/C compressor is at fault ?.

If your going to try and replace it and have NEVER replaced one, IT requires special equipment and the knowledge of knowing EXACTLY how much refrigerant oil and freon to install, You have to also replace the orfice tube and the accumulator (receiver/drier) and several "O" ring seals.

If you screw it up you will DESTROY your NEW compressor.

let me know.


Is there a manual available for me to purchase that will guide me through the process?

The ONLY manual that will give you ALL of the EXACT SPECIFICS is the MANUFACTURERS SERVICE MANUALS that you can purchase ONLINE from HELMS CORPORATION.

These manuals will cost you approx $250.00 but are well worth the money as they are the EXACT same books that the dealers get for their mechanics.

Plus you will need to buy:

1. A vacuum pump ($150.00)

2. A set of A/C gages ( $150.00)

3. 4 cans of FREON ($4.00 each)

4. Refrigerant oil ($8.00)

5. A new accumulator (receiver/drier) ($145.00 to $200.00)

6. New orfice tube ($8.00)

7. A new compressor ($300 to $500).

8. Numerous gaskets and "O" rings.

9. Several cans of FLUSHING compound to flush out the A/C system.

Plus the expertise to understand and apply what you are reading in the book.

ONE mistake, Just ONE and goodbye compressor.

STRONGLY suggest that you do NOT attempt this procedure. But it is up to you to make your own decision. Just giving you professional advise.
