Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 96 pontiac bon V6, pontiac boneville, key switch

My daughters 96 Pontiac Boneville V6 engine dies after running for a few minutes to a few hours. When it dies all the accessories appear to work fine except the electric windows, they quit when the engine quits. When the windows work the car will once again run fine. I paid to have the smart key switch replaced, no change. The local shop says no codes are showing and the engine never seems to die while they have the car. The car has been towed three or four times lately and she (and I) are about broke. Your help will be appreciated!

What was the LAST repair on the vehicle ?. ANY repair of any nature ?. In most cases problems that arise days, weeks or even months later can usually be traced back to the previous repair.

PLEASE keep your questions on the ALLEXPERTS BOARD because without it, Us volunteers would NOT be needed.

Another easy problem that will take a few back and forth test procedures and some questions for you to answer.

Don't panic, the test procedures are very easy to do.

Let me know.
