Auto body repair & detailing: interior plastic

Off the wall question here, and it has to do with the plastic Interior of my car (one of the pillars), but you may still know. Is there any product that can be sprayed on plastic that may help get rid of the crackling noise that plastic sometimes makes? I bought a can of silicone spray, but it didn't help and isn't meant to be use on plastic anyway, because it stains.  Thanks

Hi Lee....The majority of issues regarding plastic interior trim pieces making crackling, squeaking, etc. sounds, are a result of the trim panel not being fastened securely enough. What happens in this case, is that the trim panel edges actually rub on the adjacent trim panels. If your particular trim on the pillar is encapsulated with the surrounding door weatherstrip, chances are it is the contact between both that is causing this issue.

To repair this, I would suggest that you go down to your local hardware retail outlet, and pick up a roll of foam one sided tape. The size I would recommend, is 1/4" thick and around 1/2" to 3/4" wide. Next, remove the trim panel, and wipe the back side and edges down with rubbing alcohol. Install the foam tape around the perimeter of the trim flush with the edge. If your trim panel is indeed surrounded by a weatherstrip, spay it down with your silicone spray before re-installing your trim.

If you have any other question, please drop me another line. Thanks....Dave.