Auto body repair & detailing: Anti-Rust, aerosol spray cans, autobody shop

QUESTION: My boss was telling me that there was a $70 procedure done in Canada, but not in the U.S. in which a chemical is sprayed on the bottom of ones car to help prevent rusting. Do you know what that might be?

ANSWER: Hi James!...There is a company called " Ziebart ", which provides this service. They are throughout all of Canada and the United States. I did some searching for you, and there is an outlet in Rochester, New York. I have provided the link below for you. You can just punch in your Postal Code, and it will show the nearest one in your area. There are a few different types of protection packages available, as you will see, but the one you are referring to, is an undercoating package. It is sprayed on the undercarriage of a vehicle using a petroleum based product. If there is not a Ziebart near you, check with a local Autobody or Muffler shop. Most of these places do this type of work, as we do at the Autobody shop that I work at. Also, check with any car/truck Dealership. A lot of these provide this service as well. You could also do this yourself if you like. Drop down to your local Auto Parts store, as they sell the undercoating in aerosol spray cans. Just make sure that you do not spray the exhaust, brake, or electrical components. Hope this helps you out...Thanks....Dave

Here is the link:

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QUESTION: Are you sure this is the same thing? My boss seemed to think that there was a service of this type available in Canada but not the U.S. as the U.S. has environmental regulations that Canada doesn't that doesn't allow it state side.

ANSWER: Hi James....As far as being sure, and with all due respect, I have never heard of any other procedure in regards to corrosion protection on an undercarriage, other than spraying it with a petroleum based product as I had mentioned. As I have been in the Autobody trade for 30 years. Not to say that there is not something out there new, but I have yet to hear about it. Bare metal, is obviously prone to corrosion. When doing a metal repair and welding, a corrosion protection is definitly needed. A spray containing Zinc, called "Spot Weld Primer", is what is required, as it sacrifices itself before the metal deteriorates. Is it possible that this is what your boss is talking about? Even so, it needs to be covered up with an undercoating, for added protection. Please see if you can find out more info from your boss, as to where he got his info from, what chemical he is talking about, and why it is only available in Canada. As I am definitly interested. Thanks again for your question. Dave

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QUESTION: At this point I am thinking she might have been mistaken as a local place:

also seems to offer anti-rust protection for the underneath. I just assumed she might have been correct and had done her research or otherwise why leave the country to do it, right? lol. I think she might have made assumptions.

Hi again James....Thanks for the Link. Reading the article, the product called Rustop is apparently a sister company to Schmidts Collision. I haven't come across a product by that name here, so maybe it is possibly only available in the U.S., and only through them. That is something I will check into, as maybe it is a better product than what we spray. Thanks for writing back....Dave