Auto body repair & detailing: Regarding car wreck, jeep commander, initial impact

Auto body repair & detailing: Regarding car wreck, jeep commander, initial impact
left side impact  
Hello. I am browsing the internet to find any information as to a recent car wreck i was in. I was in the passanger seat and have neck problems since. I am going to schedule xrays to see if theres anything wrong just to make sure since i dont want to regret it in the future. The main question i have is how long does it generally take for an "investigation" of the wreck? We were in a wreck 5 days ago- we were heading down a 2 lane highway (both lanes traveling in the same direction) and a lady in the left lane, we were in the right lane traveling going around 60mph and she went beside the car & ended up swerving into our lane & hit the left side, back tire (i have included a picture of the initial impact of the left side) we then did a 180 turn and ended up sliding and landing up over an 1ft curb/embankment. The only damage that occured on her vehicle ( a jeep commander, beige in color) was her right front tire- which is what she hit us with. She was able to change her tire. Unfortunately, the local police, state police kept saying it was not reportable until my boyfriend (who was driving & its his car) pulled him car from the embankment to the area where the lady pulled over to "See what happened" and saw that all the tires had been pulled from the rims. so not only until 5 mins before the police left us on the highway at 2am in the cold did they hurry & fill out a report. So now she is claiming- he entered her side of the road & "slammed into her car" and she had "back issues". I was wondering how long an investigation takes within the insurance companies & if by the pictures you can give a more experienced opinion of what happened. I am just worried with our bad luck & being younger (we are both 30 yrs old but the lady involved is 58 & just so happened her husband was following in another car behind her who said he didnt see anything but says he saw it happen now) If only & should haves bc if the cops even took any statements, everything she/he is saying now would be to the contrary of what was said that night. I was wondering if there is any advice or opinion you could give me. It be greatly appreciated! i have a sore neck & worried about going to doctor bc i have no health insurance & i would have to put it under my boyfriends insurance. But i have to, i cant live with the pain anymore.

I have more pictures if you would like to see them.
Id appreciate it very much if you could give any advice for us dealing with this & the insurance companies.

thank you so very much!

email address:  

Save yourself much much pain and agony and have your boyfriend file the claim with his insurance company. That's what he pays them for. His company will do their own investigation and if the evidence suggests that the other driver is at fault they will go after the other company to recover their losses including getting back his deductible. Trust me you can rely on your own company to handle this much easier than you guys can manage it yourselves. Good luck. Mark