Auto body repair & detailing: Repainting a fibreglass truck hood., painting fiberglass, fiberglass paint

Hi Gary,
I have a Ford Louieville tandem truck here and the hood on it is made of fibreglass and the paint is getting rough.
I have no experience with painting fibreglass so my question is, is it doable to do it myself in the shop here on the farm?
Would you have some pointers and advice for me on how to tackle this job? (prep, type of paint etc)
The cab itself is steel, is it possible to use the same paint on both the hood and the cab? (to keep the color matched on the unit)
I look forward hearing from you.


Hi Huib,

If you have painted on metal before you can paint on fiberglass with no problems most likely. Usually, with fiberglass it takes a bit different procedure for the primer step if you are painting on bare fiberglass. Most usually fiberglass will have an outer coating of color that they call gel-coat. If the gel-coat is still intact you can scuff it with about a 400 grit sand paper and and apply your sealer or paint directly over it.

As far as paint type, you can use basically any type of automotive finish. Acrylic Enamel, Urethane, or a Base-Coat Clear-Coat grade will work and can be used on the hood and the rest of the truck as well. Good luck with it!